periz replied to the topic Running SARPROZ from a Matlab .m file vs. command line in the forum Sarproz Forum 3 years, 3 months ago
1.I do not understand why the script is useless. The way we work on the cluster entails that all the commands should be included in a script which then goes into a pipeline for processing.
you can e.g. run:
matlab -nodisplay -r “main(‘inptuparfile’); quit”
or you can use the compiled version2.Yes when we run fig=main(InputPar.txt) in the Matlab…[Read more]
antani replied to the topic Running SARPROZ from a Matlab .m file vs. command line in the forum Sarproz Forum 3 years, 3 months ago
1.I do not understand why the script is useless. The way we work on the cluster entails that all the commands should be included in a script which then goes into a pipeline for processing.2.Yes when we run fig=main(InputPar.txt) in the Matlab graphic interface Sarproz runs. Instead when we launch the same command from a script it…[Read more]
periz replied to the topic Running SARPROZ from a Matlab .m file vs. command line in the forum Sarproz Forum 3 years, 3 months ago
1. the script is useless. you can run sarproz on a cluster without graphic interface without that script.
2. so, forget the script. if it freezes, the reason is somewhere else. did you try to run it without the script?
3. before doing that, please update sarproz to the last version. get it running and use the manage version module to download the…[Read more] -
amintavakkoli replied to the topic Running SARPROZ from a Matlab .m file vs. command line in the forum Sarproz Forum 3 years, 3 months ago
Thanks for your answer, here is the contents of the “log file” :
Welcome to SARPROZ
by Daniele Perissin, copyright 2009-2021, http://www.sarproz.com
Messages from this session are written in file 17_Nov_2021_08_19_04_sarproz.log
directory /Users/sw/pcodes_2021-04-08MATLAB 9.10 (R2021a) 14-Nov-2020
No errors are printed, just the SARPROZ…[Read more]
periz replied to the topic Running SARPROZ from a Matlab .m file vs. command line in the forum Sarproz Forum 3 years, 3 months ago
it would be good to see the log file
we tried it and it works (even if I do not really see the use to call the main from within a matlab script)
probably the reason is not in the script rather is some other factors preventing the process to execute properly… -
amintavakkoli replied to the topic Running SARPROZ from a Matlab .m file vs. command line in the forum Sarproz Forum 3 years, 3 months ago
Here, I attached the “test.m” file I run from p-codes directory.
amintavakkoli started the topic Running SARPROZ from a Matlab .m file vs. command line in the forum Sarproz Forum 3 years, 3 months ago
Dear SARPROZ team,
I have created an InputParfile.txt to run SARPROZ in background, without the GUI mode. If I write fig=main(‘full path to the InputParfile.txt’) and run this command from Matlab command window it works properly and creates the interferograms. However, when I write the command i.e. fig=main(‘full path to the InputParfile.txt’)…[Read more]
amintavakkoli joined the group sarproz-group 3 years, 3 months ago
muhammadyunus replied to the topic Manual script for estimating E-W, V displacement in MATLAB in the forum Sarproz Forum 3 years, 3 months ago
Good Evening in Taiwan time, Alfredo,
Thank you so much for your answer.I have different date for my asc and des images. but the difference is not to large. however if you had successfully selected the point manually. You must need a formula to know incident angle in each PS point right? whats way that you through to reach that incidenct…[Read more]
alpetrucci replied to the topic Manual script for estimating E-W, V displacement in MATLAB in the forum Sarproz Forum 3 years, 3 months ago
Good morning Yunus,
from my experience, at the moment I do the same, i.e. using the multi-sense module or external GIS-based tools to produce the maps of Vertical/EW motion with some spatial averaging.About the time series, what I do is to apply use the same formula used to derive the maps applied to some specific points, manually.
The…[Read more]
muhammadyunus started the topic Manual script for estimating E-W, V displacement in MATLAB in the forum Sarproz Forum 3 years, 3 months ago
Hello scholars,
I am trying to calculate my ASC and DES data (tsobj) to E-W and V. I have tried to use multi-sens module and reached the result. whereas, the program said this module is under construction and I could not export the sparse data. anyone know how to do this with manual estimation from tsobj result data?Thank you in advance,
Yunus Muhammad -
sjhossene replied to the topic Sentinel orbits problem, new release, new server in the forum Sarproz Forum 3 years, 4 months ago
Hi Prof
Thank you, professor, I did your instructions and the system was fixed and updated.Thanks
periz replied to the topic Sentinel orbits problem, new release, new server in the forum Sarproz Forum 3 years, 4 months ago
1. you miss telling what is your current software version
2. check the message above and download the servaddrs.mat file (do it once more if you already tried). place it in the Sarproz folder. try connecting again. please make sure you get a message saying that the servaddrs.mat file is used. if you do not get that message, you are doing something…[Read more] -
sjhossene replied to the topic Sentinel orbits problem, new release, new server in the forum Sarproz Forum 3 years, 4 months ago
Hello Prof Periz
Where we can download last version of SARPROZ. I can not update my sarproze. when I want to update, the below err appeared.An ERROR occurred and was saved in the file lasterror.mat, directory C:SARPROZE
The LOG FILE can be found here 09_Nov_2021_12_41_36_sarproz.log, directory C:SARPROZE
Please read carefully the document…[
markus-mueller replied to the topic DEM generation in the forum Sarproz Forum 3 years, 4 months ago
Thanks Daniele, will send you an email.
periz replied to the topic DEM generation in the forum Sarproz Forum 3 years, 4 months ago
Hi Markus,
sure you can generate DEMs in Sarproz. There are many ways for that, depending on the characteristics of the data you want to use. That’s one of the reasons why we did not publish a clear procedure. There are other reasons for that, but the discussion would be a bit long. You can anyway find some material online. We published papers…[Read more] -
markus-mueller started the topic DEM generation in the forum Sarproz Forum 3 years, 4 months ago
I would like to know if SARPROZ supports generation of DEMs using coherent SAR imagery. I had a look at the tutorials and the documentation, but could not find anything so far. Any help appreciated.
vletsios joined the group sarproz-group 3 years, 4 months ago
avelasco replied to the topic AD adaptive filtering with PS in the forum Sarproz Forum 3 years, 4 months ago
Hello periz,
Thanks for the detailed response.
When applying spatial filtering, in InSAR parameters, should be selected “Output Coherence = post-filtering”? So that this post-filtered Coherence was used on MISP module as Weights. I would appreciate it if you clarify this doubt.
Regarding AutoMISP-PRJ-Atmo.mat file, the image shows APS for 5…[Read more]
yaoshuyi joined the group sarproz-group 3 years, 5 months ago
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