
  • Dear Yuxiao and other my friends, hi
    I am working with Sentinel-1 TOPS data processing on SARPROZ hardly. 🙂
    I`ve tested 3 case on various regions. I am facing to a common problem in all cases.
    In each sub-scene, the half of scene be null automatically (see attached kmz file).
    My Sarproz…[Read more]

  • Dear Yuxiao and other my friends, hi
    I am working with Sentinel-1 TOPS data processing on SARPROZ hardly. 🙂
    I`ve tested 3 case on various regions. I am facing to a common problem in all cases.
    In each sub-scene, the half of scene be null automatically (see attached kmz file).
    My Sarproz…[Read more]

  • Dear Yuxiao and other my friends, hi
    I am working with Sentinel-1 TOPS data processing on SARPROZ hardly. 🙂
    I`ve tested 3 case on various regions. I am facing to a common problem in all cases.
    In each sub-scene, the half of scene be null automatically (see attached kmz file).
    My Sarproz…[Read more]

  • Hi Daniele,

    thank you, it works. I would like to ask some more:

    I would like to process only 11 points (would appreciate it especially for the sub-cell positioning) but I need to select them. I am afraid that the selecting criteria would be too complicated (various values of intensity etc., scatter plots support > and <, but not =), is it…[Read more]

  • OK, thank you.

    this is the “error” I get many times, however not important (I was not sure if the list is for one error or for more). I considered other error which – apparently – does not do any log into the logfile and even to the lasterror. It is probably only displayed in the bottom part of the geocoding window. No problem.

    Yes, I tried the…[Read more]

  • Ivana,
    first of all, a general comment: you have all needed tools to investigate your problem…!!
    You can plot the DEM in geographic coordinates, and you know you should expect 4 black crosses that give you an idea about where is the footprint of your data w.r.t. the DEM. I do not see them in the picture above, and this should be a first sign…[Read more]

  • Ivana,
    first of all, a general comment: you have all needed tools to investigate your problem…!!
    You can plot the DEM in geographic coordinates, and you know you should expect 4 black crosses that give you an idea about where is the footprint of your data w.r.t. the DEM. I do not see them in the picture above, and this should be a first sign…[Read more]

  • Ivana,
    first of all, a couple of general comments.
    You have all needed tools to investigate your problem.
    You can plot the DEM in geographic coordinates, and you know you should expect 4 black crosses that give you an idea about where is the footprint of your data w.r.t. the DEM. I do not see them in the picture above, and this should be a first…[Read more]

  • If you don’t understand Matlab,
    then maybe not much to do…

    I try to give you a hint to read the message shown by disp_err in any case..:
    The list of files tells you the inter-dependency between them (the sequence of calls) at the moment the error occurred.
    The list starts from the upper level.
    You were in Site Processing (“analisi_sito”), you…[Read more]

  • No, I am getting exactly the same results also in the newest compiled version… together with lots of

    stima_freq: WARNING!!

    NaNs detected in input matrix: forcing them to zero!!

    I do know where the problem can be…

  • I am sorry, that was not the compiled version, but older matlab version, so that is probably the problem… trying it once more in the newer version.


  • Hello again,

    using the compiled version of Aug 31 (no newer), I was processing S1 data, and the interferograms and everything were nice using automatically-downloaded SRTM. Now, I used my own DEM, and the interferograms look weird (see the itf and the DEM visualization).

    I admit I have a DEM with such a weird form (corner cut) and I used it,…[Read more]

  • No, there are not two points geolocated at the same position (according to CSV, as point 699 can be clicked on, point 700 gives this error and 701 is somewhere else).

    Here is the output from disp_err (putting it all, but I am afraid that most of it is related to the other instance run in the compiled version (this instance is run under matlab,…[Read more]

  • Hi Ivana,
    the error there is related to the SLC data module (by the way, to check it, you just need to type “disp_err” at the matlab command prompt -if you work with the compiled version, just copy the lasterror.mat in the working directory of any Matlab session [disp_err.p works independently and even without license]-).
    Sometimes it may look…[Read more]

  • anarizka replied to the topic residue values in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 5 months ago

    Dear Ivana,

    Thanks for advise and explanation, I get it

    Best Regards


  • ivca-cz replied to the topic residue values in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 5 months ago

    Hello Ana,

    (estimated) residual height value is the HEIGHT WRT DEM.

    SIGMA HEIGHT is the estimated standard deviation of the HEIGHT (resp. HEIGHT WRT DEM, they are the same), for its background, see another discussion thread. If you are interested, ask more, as it was not yet finished but I do not have time and concentration for it now.

    The…[Read more]

  • Yes. In fact, all the pixels displayed correspond to one corner reflector. I am playing with the data to see if the reflectors are really visible, the interpolation of the position and phase will be the next step for me to try.

    But the problematic pixel is the one I expect to be the center, with the highest intensity. I did not meet this problem…[Read more]

  • anarizka replied to the topic residue values in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 5 months ago

    Dear Prof.Daniele

    I got results from CSV file, but I cant find residual Height value.
    What mean of “HEIGHT WRT DEM and SIGMA HEIGHT” in CSV column?
    If Residual Height = Height – External DEM, Could I say that Residual Height = HEIGHT – HEIGHT WRT DEM (based on CSV column)

    Besides that, in SARPROZ, how I can generated and get data “phase r…[Read more]

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