Vinay Gaddam replied to the topic IMPORTING THE ENVISAT ASAR DATA in the forum Sarproz Forum 10 years ago
Dear Dr/Mr Periz,
I have followed the same steps as mentioned in http://www.sarproz.com/publish/notes1.pdf. As i am not able to connect to internet (since my system is connected via iisc proxy), i unchecked the function “ext orbits”. thereafter i used set orbits function and read the master and slave images with pre-defined settings. Now i am at…[Read more]
periz replied to the topic IMPORTING THE ENVISAT ASAR DATA in the forum Sarproz Forum 10 years ago
it looks correct, but you have to unpack the files
if anything is not in the right place, the sw will tell you what he searches for -
Yuxiao replied to the topic IMPORTING THE ENVISAT ASAR DATA in the forum Sarproz Forum 10 years ago
If you believe you have the correct orbit file, in the same level of your data folder, create a folder by the name of “ORBITS”, and put your orbit file in structures like this:
ORBITS/ERS1/yyyy or
ORBITS/ERS2/yyyywhere yyyy is the year and mm is the month of your orbit file
But you must make sure you have the correct one
Vinay Gaddam replied to the topic IMPORTING THE ENVISAT ASAR DATA in the forum Sarproz Forum 10 years ago
Dear Sir,
What you said is correct. Yy system is using a (iisc) proxy to connect to internet.
I cannot connect to internet by VPN right now. i will try it later.I am trying to connect to esaftp.dfd.dlr.de, but it is asking the user name and password to retrieve the files. from ESA, i have downloaded the orbit files earlier. can i use the same…[Read more]
periz replied to the topic IMPORTING THE ENVISAT ASAR DATA in the forum Sarproz Forum 10 years ago
the error u sent here shows that the sw cannot connect to the ftp server for downloading orbital data
u have the following options:
a. find a better internet connection (e.g. via a VPN)
b. download manually the data from esaftp.dfd.dlr.de and store them in a folder called G:ORBITS
files have to be organized according to sensor and year…[Read more] -
Vinay Gaddam replied to the topic IMPORTING THE ENVISAT ASAR DATA in the forum Sarproz Forum 10 years ago
Dear Dr/Mr. Periz,
Please find the file in rar format.
Vinay Gaddam replied to the topic IMPORTING THE ENVISAT ASAR DATA in the forum Sarproz Forum 10 years ago
Hi Dr/Mr. periz,
Please see the attached .mat and .log files. please help me to sort out the problem.
periz replied to the topic IMPORTING THE ENVISAT ASAR DATA in the forum Sarproz Forum 10 years ago
Hi Vinay,
as you can clearly read in the messages, if you get an error, in order to get assistance you have to send the lasterror.mat and the log files -
Yuxiao replied to the topic IMPORTING THE ENVISAT ASAR DATA in the forum Sarproz Forum 10 years ago
Can you try to make a new folder, and only put the two envisat into the SLC folder of your new folder, and see what happens?
It’s kind of wired because the name looks like exactly an envisat SLC image.
Besides, what’s the point of putting three pairs of SAR images required in 1991, 1999 and 2010 together? It is pointless.
Vinay Gaddam replied to the topic IMPORTING THE ENVISAT ASAR DATA in the forum Sarproz Forum 10 years ago
Dear Sir/Madam,
Yes, i saw that we need to create two directories for two different sensors. I have created two different directories for ERS and Envisat. Still i am getting the error. Please check the attached for error message. please guide me to convert the .N1 data to IMS or APS.
Vinay Gaddam replied to the topic IMPORTING THE ENVISAT ASAR DATA in the forum Sarproz Forum 10 years ago
Dear Sir/Madam,
Yes, i saw that we need to create two directories for two different sensors. Please check the attached for error message. please guide me to convert the .N1 data to IMS or APS.
Yuxiao replied to the topic IMPORTING THE ENVISAT ASAR DATA in the forum Sarproz Forum 10 years ago
Sorry that I missed a detail in your attached picture.
I see that you’re using two sensors.
If you want to do this, did you follow this instructions?
“The software has also the possibility of processing two sensors together (as ERS and Envisat. See References).
To do this, you need to create another folder within the DataSet directory.…[Read more] -
Vinay Gaddam replied to the topic IMPORTING THE ENVISAT ASAR DATA in the forum Sarproz Forum 10 years ago
Dear Yuxiao, The name of the asar file i am trying to import is “ASA_IMS_1PNUPA20100621_045425_000000162090_00291_43431_6800”.
Can you please suggest me that, is there any way to convert this file to IMS or APS? -
Yuxiao replied to the topic IMPORTING THE ENVISAT ASAR DATA in the forum Sarproz Forum 10 years ago
It simply means your data is not supported, it is not IMS or APS data
Look into the name of your N1 data, and you will know what it is
or you can post the name here so we can know what type it is
Vinay Gaddam started the topic IMPORTING THE ENVISAT ASAR DATA in the forum Sarproz Forum 10 years ago
periz replied to the topic Error in coregistration step with ALOS data in the forum Sarproz Forum 10 years, 1 month ago
The software has some default parameters for coregistration.
If the coregistration fails at the first step, one has to plot the images to check why it failed.
Then, depending on the reason, you can change the coregistration parameters.In your case, the two images look similar and have corresponding features that can be used for coregistering…[Read more]
fatma started the topic Error in coregistration step with ALOS data in the forum Sarproz Forum 10 years, 1 month ago
Dear Daniele,
I started to process 2 ALOS data, but after coregistration step i get this error:
Error in cull_points(): fewer than minimum points, only 17 left!
WARNING!!! coregistration of image 20101212 failed!!!!And then i try to start again (re-run the tool, using SLC data module), “get contents”, check “update”, set orbits, then go to…[Read more]
admin replied to the topic SARProz results analysis in the forum Sarproz Forum 10 years, 1 month ago
a. before exporting data, I suggest you to use the “visualization tools” to explore the results. In particular, histograms and scatter plots are very useful tools. In the scatter plots, you can analyze the correlation between different parameters, you can plot them in 2D/3D in SAR coordinates or geographic coordinates, you can place many…[Read more]
cnu_lee started the topic SARProz results analysis in the forum Sarproz Forum 10 years, 1 month ago
Hi,Professor Daniele
When I finished the APS and SPP module operations,the result obtained in “Sparse geocoding” module are lots of points containing deformation information,including velocity,cumulative displacement ,etc. I’m not sure whether the velocity values and cumulative displacement values are absolute values or relative values with…[Read more]
admin started the topic Persistent Scatterers steps and interferograms generation in the forum Sarproz Forum 10 years, 1 month ago
While waiting for more documentation to come,
I open a new topic on this matter for the newcomers.
In Sarproz, Persistent Scatterers interferometry is applied to un-filtered full-resolution data.
This means that you do not need to generate interferograms if you want to process Persistent Scatterers.
It is suggested to process interferograms if…[Read more] - Load More