
  • anarizka replied to the topic PSInSAR Analysis in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 9 months ago

    Dear Prof.Daniele

    1. For make sure that PSInSAR correct processing, how many factor must be considered besides from the attach image?
    And how about your opinion based on my results
    2. From PSInSAR, Must I have GPS data for verification? Any likelihood below:
    (a). I have GPS data but the statiun far away from my area (equal to 8km)
    (b). I did…[Read more]

  • periz replied to the topic APS estimation in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 9 months ago

    Hi Santiago,
    1. you choose a parameter on which you want to place a threshold (more advanced option: building your own set of points through “save selection” in “scatter plots”, and select it as a real file here)
    2. you choose the threshold
    3. you choose if you want to make the selection of points sparser or not. If not, place DS=0, DL=0. If you…[Read more]

  • Hello,

    Could you offer me some guidance as for the Sparse Points Selection criteria in the APS tool?

    I’m not very sure what each option means,
    Thank you,


  • anarizka replied to the topic PSInSAR Analysis in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 9 months ago

    Dear Prof.Daniele

    I have done to choose Href, prof.
    From the first step about geocoded refl map, I must re-process it again or no. Because from GCP selection, the SAR coordinat and Geo coordinat in GE it looks like match well.

    Please, find attach file below

    Best Regards,


  • periz replied to the topic PSInSAR Analysis in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 9 months ago

    Hi Ana,

    from your geocoded refl map 11.jpg, I can tell you that it is not well geocoded. It looks shifted.
    The Href is at the top of your 21.jpg. Currently, you see NaN inside the text box.
    To know the value of the height, you need to sketch the SAR acquisition geometry, considering the incidence angle.
    Do it, it’s a good exercise for…[Read more]

  • anarizka replied to the topic PSInSAR Analysis in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 9 months ago

    Dear Prof.Daniele

    To have point match in GE, I have done first step to choose GCP that align in SAR image. you can see in 1.jpg (attach file). I think its SAR image and GE match well. After I choose small area processing, the shifting problem still unsolved (2.jpg file). As far as processing, I still can not find where is the Href box located.…[Read more]

  • periz replied to the topic ALOS-2 import in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 9 months ago

    yes it can
    but since not many users tried it, it would be good if you would send us a feedback after trying

  • yuyu started the topic ALOS-2 import in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 9 months ago

    Hi DP
    I was wondering if SarProz could import ALOS-2 data?

  • ivca-cz replied to the topic residue values in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 9 months ago

    OK, thank you. I ve just discovered that the residue values in the CSV are also in mm, therefore they go up to plus minus lambda/4.

    Ktemp (in the CSV) is in rad/deg or mm/deg? That could be the reason of problems.

  • periz replied to the topic PSInSAR Analysis in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 9 months ago

    1. to have the points match in GE, you need 2 things
    – first of all, you must have (previously) chosen a GCP that aligns your SAR data to external geographic features (as a DEM or as points selected in GE)
    – secondly, if you are processing a small area, the reference point should have been previously processed in the “site processing”, and its…[Read more]

  • periz replied to the topic residue values in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 9 months ago

    hi ivana I cannot see it from what you have attached
    you should send pictures with (taken from the small area module):
    – multi image insar analysis window so that we see the options
    – geocoding windows
    – example of time series with problems
    isn’t it that it’s in mm?

  • Dear Prof.Daniele

    I make scatter plot in SARPROZ, and select interested area in “Small Area Processing” tool. I have some problem to understand:
    1. Point that high coherence value must in building area, but in this result, the Google Earth Image and Point don’t match exactly. Based on your tutorial, your GE image very clear, but from my result GE…[Read more]

  • ivca-cz replied to the topic residue values in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 9 months ago

    I am using star graph. What else can be wrong?

    The time series as you can see was generated right now, from saved data, with nothing ticked.

  • periz replied to the topic residue values in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 9 months ago

    i cannot see what u did from the screenshots…
    if, as u say, nothing is ticked, u should get only residues…
    next question: are u using the star graph or something else?

  • ivca-cz replied to the topic residue values in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 9 months ago

    I do not understand. I computed it in the small area processing, as in the screenshot.

    Nothing is ticked in the “data series” line. Do I understand well, that if I do not tick anything, I get only the residues (if I tick temp, the temperature effect is added etc.), and the same applies to the CSV export?

  • periz replied to the topic residue values in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 9 months ago

    we’d need to know how u computed the time series…
    if u estimated and included the thermal expansion, then it’s reasonable…

  • ivca-cz replied to the topic residue values in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 9 months ago

    I am sending matlab-parsed histograms of residues for few dates (each date separately). Often, the higher residues correspond to high values of ktemp (I want to know if the possible correlation is real or is caused by unwrapping). Linear deformation trend was not estimated.

    Computed approx. a month ago, in an older version (after Ktemp was added…[Read more]

  • periz replied to the topic residue values in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 9 months ago

    can you send us some grab-screens?
    in particular, about the time series you mention and about the options you used for processing
    please include also the graph you used for the analysis

  • Hello,

    if I understand it well and no unwrapping is performed (in small area processing), how is it possible that residue values reach up to plus minus 8? Especially for some dates – but generally, there are very few dates for which all residues are smaller than pi. I did not tick anything (model, lin trend etc.) before the export. How were the…[Read more]

  • There is nothing called “SBAS” in my software
    But you have many ways to process your data and in some ways do something similar to SBAS.
    E.g. select an images graph (i.e. a set of interferograms) that best suites your case
    – filter and unwrap interferograms
    – apply an unwrapped (UW) time series estimation
    You can either follow the classic steps of…[Read more]

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