ewid replied to the topic Phase unwrapping after APS removal in the forum Sarproz Forum 5 years, 1 month ago
Dear Prof. Perissin,
thank you for your quick reply! I tried to follow your advice to do it manually in Matlab with leggi and scrivi. With the leggi function it could read the data (Matlab showed all the values in the lines) but when I wanted to plot the Data (with plot(Data)) there were strange figures which did not correspond to the…[Read more] -
periz replied to the topic Single Interferometry doubt in the forum Sarproz Forum 5 years, 1 month ago
It’s not necessary to choose a specific reference point for calculating the phase difference between two images. The zero phase can be arbitrary. However, a reference point is required to interpret the phase. So, you have this option in the view/export extended parameters module. We will add it later on also in the single interf processing module,…[Read more]
periz replied to the topic Phase unwrapping after APS removal in the forum Sarproz Forum 5 years, 1 month ago
Hi Eva,
you are using the sw in a way we did not think of. Now (it’s an option we introduced about 8 months ago), you can remove the APS from interferograms (in the InSAR module) at the time of exporting your results (which means, after processing them). [in fact, this option is present also in the view/export extended parameters module] In other…[Read more] -
dsanchezalamo started the topic Single Interferometry doubt in the forum Sarproz Forum 5 years, 1 month ago
Hi, when I run two SLC images in a single interferometry process, there is any posibility to choose a ref point? its automathic? or isnt necessary?
Best regards,
David S. -
ewid started the topic Phase unwrapping after APS removal in the forum Sarproz Forum 5 years, 1 month ago
Dear SARPROZ community,
after processing the APS module I didn’t find a way to unwrap this corrected Interferogram. I followed for most parts the tutorial “Atmospheric Delay Mitigation on Single (or few) Interferograms” but I did not do the Multi-looking. I checked the “Stratif.”-Box in the APS-options. I could export it as tif and as jpg file but…[Read more] -
ewid joined the group sarproz-group 5 years, 1 month ago
periz replied to the topic cumul.disp in the forum Sarproz Forum 5 years, 1 month ago
antig started the topic cumul.disp in the forum Sarproz Forum 5 years, 1 month ago
How SARPROZ calculate cumulative displacemnt 12 mm in that point?
I do not understand
Small area, Non linear smart 5 has used in that calulation -
periz replied to the topic No linear model in the forum Sarproz Forum 5 years, 1 month ago
Hi Anti,
you can find several discussions about the smart function in sarproz. Here some…[Read more] -
antig started the topic No linear model in the forum Sarproz Forum 5 years, 1 month ago
Can you recommend any paper on non-linear modeling (smart) that is used in SARPROZ
Thank You
saiyidinal joined the group sarproz-group 5 years, 1 month ago
antig replied to the topic Orbit heading in the forum Sarproz Forum 5 years, 2 months ago
Thank You Daniele
I understood it now
Agree, that this is weird, but possible, way to illustrate direction. -
periz replied to the topic Orbit heading in the forum Sarproz Forum 5 years, 2 months ago
Hi Antig,
sun-synchronous near-polar orbits are almost parallel to the north-south direction. However, both when going up (ascending) and down (descending) the satellite path is slightly squinted to the west (as the earth rotates). if you draw this on a paper, and if you take the south direction as reference, u will see those angles (that you…[Read more] -
antig started the topic Orbit heading in the forum Sarproz Forum 5 years, 2 months ago
I have confusion to detect orbit azimuth value. Azimuth is clockwise angle respect from the North
So in SARPROZ SiteDescription.txt I have AcqHeading values. In my mind heading and azimuth should be same values
But values are
DESC_Heading AcqHeading=-9.3537 deg
ASC_heading AcqHeading=-167.9874 deg1) What those direction values discribe?
hardycross0330 joined the group sarproz-group 5 years, 2 months ago
edgardocasanova joined the group sarproz-group 5 years, 2 months ago
bridgetwang replied to the topic Big dataset processing in the forum Sarproz Forum 5 years, 2 months ago
Thank you very much for your rapid and detailed answers!
Cons: if your area is affected by temporal decorrelation/changes, keeping long temporal baselines will decrease the overall coherence.
For the cons you mentioned, I wonder if I individually corigester let’s say 50 images ; On the other hand, I select the same 50 images from the 280…
periz replied to the topic Big dataset processing in the forum Sarproz Forum 5 years, 2 months ago
when I have a big dataset of 280 images, and want to process it in several subsets, can I coregister all 280 images one time, and then just select less images to form differenct subsets?
you can, it’s your option. Pros: all subsets will share the same master, so, pixels are directly comparable, you can merge/analyze results and have the full…[Read more]
bridgetwang replied to the topic Big dataset processing in the forum Sarproz Forum 5 years, 2 months ago
Please find the attached error files, thanks a lot !
bridgetwang started the topic Big dataset processing in the forum Sarproz Forum 5 years, 2 months ago
I’d like to ask when I have a big dataset of 280 images, and want to process it in several subsets, can I coregister all 280 images one time, and then just select less images to form differenct subsets?
Is it correct that just keep the images I want in ‘DataSet.txt’ to get the subset combination? I’ve tried by deleting half of the dataset…[Read more]
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