External DEM Selection

Help for External DEM Selection

With this function you can choose the source of your External DEM

The DEM Options are:

* SRTM90 auto (default)
* Copernicus auto
* Geotiff custom
* Raster custom

"auto" means that data are automatically downloaded from internet.
In such case, you do not need to enter additional information.
However, for Copernicus data, you need to have an ESA account,
and the details of the account have to be entered in the Advanced Parameters
(please read the following link for more instructions):

"custom" means that you want to import in Sarproz your own DEM data.
You can do this either by importing a Geotiff file or a raster file.
Geotiff: just select the file you want to import, other infos will be read from the geotiff file.
better using geographic coordinates.
Raster: in this case, beside selecting the file you want to import, you have to specify also
all infos to read it (size, posting, corner coordinates). The format should be like a DEM
produced by Gamma. If a Gamma parameter file is available, data will be automatically read
(Gamma format: columns are Latitudes, rows are Longitudes, the file is float, big endian)

Notes for automatic DEM data download:

Please read carefully Sarproz messages.
If anything fails, a message is printed but Sarproz does not stop running

If a SRTM file is not found, it is created and filled with zeros
To re-download an SRTM file that was filled with zeros, delete it (the software will warn you if a
file filled with zeros is found)

SRTM files can be manually placed in DirSite/../SRTM (so that, if you have multiple projects, all
of them can share the same DEM directory)

Other DEM files are stored in subfolders in the SRTM directory, like

Copernicus data can be manually placed in the corresponding folder (please do not untar/unzip Copernicus files.
Sarproz will do it automatically)

For more infos about the Copernicus data account and download, check https://sarproz.com/manual/adv_param.html