
Small area geocoding panel

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    • #4797

        Hello colleagues
        What’s the difference between the following 5 numbers?
        What is the annual rate?
        What is the cumulative annual rate?
        Which one does the graph represent?

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      • #4801

          Def. trend = deformation trend [mm/year] (or velocity or annual rate)
          Cum. disp. = cumulative displacement [mm] (it’s the displacement at the end of the time series minus the displacement at the beginning. it’s calculated on the model, neglecting possible residual -not modeled- displacement)

          The colored dots in your picture show the deformation trend (it’s selected on the right menu).

          When you select a point, a list of parameters is displayed. Those parameters are the result of the small area processing. Values enclosed in parentheses, instead, are relative to the whole site (you processed them e.g. in the MISP module).

        • #4844

            Hi dear colleagues
            I have a basic question about “parameters range” in “APS Estimation” or”processing parameters“.
            In the “Multi-Image InSAR Processing” section, when i selecting “APS Estimation” , on what basis should values ​​be selected in

            1- Linear trend (On what basis parameters range should be chosen?)
            2-Hieght (On what basis parameters range should be chosen?)
            3-Azimouth shift
            4-sespnal terend
            Why do I get different results by changing values ​​?!

            How to choose the right values in the “parameters range” ?

            Tip: I have no knowledge of the area and do not know what is/was the amount of deformation (subsidence or uplift) ?


            • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by sjhossene.
            • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by sjhossene.
          • #4847

              a full answer to your question would be long. this is what we teach in training courses (taking one would be very good for you. you can try to promote one in your university).
              here a short answer:
              1. as a default, estimate only height and linear deformation trend. keep the default range values
              2. when the processing is done, study well figures and histograms that the software provides. from those plots you will understand if your model matches your data or if any adjustment (on the parameters range or on the adopted model) is needed.
              3. forget the azimuth shift. use the seasonal trend only if you have to (e.g. when you are in a dense urban environment with high skyscrapers)

              • #4848

                  Thank you for your quick response.
                  How can I attend courses or can I upgrade one at my university?
                  Are there no distance learning courses? (Webinar?)


              • #4849

                  At the moment there are no distance learning courses.
                  We are working to set up a training school in Italy. We should be able to advertise a first course in 2020.
                  There should be a chance to have a course in Tehran though. We’ll let you know

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