
Radarsat-2 RSLC data import

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    • #447

        When I import the RSAT-2 rslc data,an error occured:
        setimageconf: converting from GAMMA

        image.conf.mat written for 14 images

        No Temperature data found: generating a synthetic sinusoid

        synthetic temperatures written

        set3points: converting from GAMMA

        orbit files written for 14 images

        Job ended

        writing sparse file /home/lyc/kaiti_radarsar/gao_radarsat-2/RESULTS/ModFit.mat

        writing sparse file /home/lyc/kaiti_radarsar/gao_radarsat-2/RESULTS/PSType.mat

        writing sparse file /home/lyc/kaiti_radarsar/gao_radarsat-2/RESULTS/DemSynt.mat

        File /home/lyc/kaiti_radarsar/gao_radarsat-2/RESULTS/MATLAB/DefParam correctly written

        FileTemper found: using its content instead of the downloaded weather data!!!

        To use the downloaded weather data, remove or rename file /home/lyc/kaiti_radarsar/gao_radarsat-2/RESULTS/MATLAB/Temperature.mat

        An error occurred and was saved in the file lasterror.mat, directory /home/lyc/kaiti_radarsar/gao_radarsat-2/RSLC

        If you need assistance, please include the file lasterror.mat

        You may include also file 29_Jan_2015_09_52_44_sarproz.log

        Here a glimpse:

        Invalid file identifier. Use fopen to generate a valid file identifier.
        Error using save
        Unable to write file lasterror: No such file or directory.

        Error in /opt/pcodes/gui_error.p>gui_error (line 22)

        Error in /opt/pcodes/scegli_dataset.p>scegli_dataset (line 86)

        Error in @(hObject,eventdata)scegli_dataset(‘TagCambia_Callback’,hObject,eventdata,guidata(hObject))

        Error while evaluating uicontrol Callback

      • #450

          I need to see the log file and the lasterror.mat. Anyway, check your file permissions in the directory where Sarproz is installed and also in the data directory. Usually, when you launch it, Sarproz checks if you have write permissions and it returns a warning message if anything wrong is found…

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