When I import the RSAT-2 rslc data,an error occured:
setimageconf: converting from GAMMA
image.conf.mat written for 14 images
No Temperature data found: generating a synthetic sinusoid
synthetic temperatures written
set3points: converting from GAMMA
orbit files written for 14 images
Job ended
writing sparse file /home/lyc/kaiti_radarsar/gao_radarsat-2/RESULTS/ModFit.mat
writing sparse file /home/lyc/kaiti_radarsar/gao_radarsat-2/RESULTS/PSType.mat
writing sparse file /home/lyc/kaiti_radarsar/gao_radarsat-2/RESULTS/DemSynt.mat
File /home/lyc/kaiti_radarsar/gao_radarsat-2/RESULTS/MATLAB/DefParam correctly written
FileTemper found: using its content instead of the downloaded weather data!!!
To use the downloaded weather data, remove or rename file /home/lyc/kaiti_radarsar/gao_radarsat-2/RESULTS/MATLAB/Temperature.mat
An error occurred and was saved in the file lasterror.mat, directory /home/lyc/kaiti_radarsar/gao_radarsat-2/RSLC
If you need assistance, please include the file lasterror.mat
You may include also file 29_Jan_2015_09_52_44_sarproz.log
Here a glimpse:
Invalid file identifier. Use fopen to generate a valid file identifier.
Error using save
Unable to write file lasterror: No such file or directory.
Error in /opt/pcodes/gui_error.p>gui_error (line 22)
Error in /opt/pcodes/scegli_dataset.p>scegli_dataset (line 86)
Error in @(hObject,eventdata)scegli_dataset(‘TagCambia_Callback’,hObject,eventdata,guidata(hObject))
Error while evaluating uicontrol Callback