
error in sarproz

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    • #3322

        In the first step when I type fig=main in Sarproz, I encounter such a message
        (h connect to a system (Windows 7) with remote desktop connection, and I do not have the proxy system and an Internet connection is established, matlab version 2015a)
        Before connecting to register the email and … it asks for the proxy address while it has no proxy system!
        Thank you,

        >> fig=main

        Welcome to SARPROZ

        by Daniele Perissin, copyright 2009-2018,

        Messages from this session are written in file 08_Oct_2018_20_38_40_sarproz.log
        directory E:\

        pcodes generated on: 16-Aug-2018 15:00:49, dtype: 0,

        WARNING: NO Internet Connection detected

        SARPROZ needs an Internet Connection to start: try to set a proxy server

        if this was a temporary internet problem, press Cancel and continue

        if you are working offline and you have a USB dongle, press Cancel and continue
        Warning: MATLAB has disabled some advanced graphics rendering features by switching to software OpenGL. For more information, click

        Setting NO Proxy Server

        Configuration check…
        license file license.key not found

        WARNING!!!: add among your contacts in your email account
        and make sure emails from it are not classified as SPAM!!!!

        internet access failure

        FAILURE. License file license.key has been created, even though some problems occurred

        To try again, firstly delete license.key

        send_mail: attempt nr 1 failed

        send_mail: attempt nr 2 failed

        send_mail: attempt nr 3 failed

        send_mail: attempt nr 4 failed

        send_mail: attempt nr 5 failed

        you need to send an email to attaching the file license.key

        contact for any questions.

        ERROR CODE 050

        Authorization not released.

        fig =



      • #3323

          If you read what you have reported above, you will find the answer:
          1) WARNING: NO Internet Connection detected
          SARPROZ needs an Internet Connection to start: try to set a proxy server

          2) if this was a temporary internet problem, press Cancel and continue

          3) FAILURE. License file license.key has been created, even though some problems occurred
          To try again, firstly delete license.key

          So, delete the license.key file and try again.
          If it happens again, check your connectivity (cables, proxies, antiviruses, firewalls and so on).

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