Hi,Someone can help me?,
i’m a new user, and when I have tried to coregistrate two ERS images or 2 Sentinel1 images it gives me the following error:
WARNING!!! coregistration of image 20160708 failed!!!!
image 20160708 will be discarded: check manually!!!
List of Images for which the coregistration failed:
No Temperature data found: generating a synthetic sinusoid
synthetic temperatures written
get_locality: could not dowload the locality!!
get_timezone: could not dowload the timezone!!
tops_slave_proc(): No New Slaves to update. Exit.
The coregistration failed for 1 images
You can try to process them again with the update function
after checking the images one by one and manually modifying the coregistration parameters
The Processing concluded successfully, here a specific message:
SLC data Preparation: job ended
This is the example with Sentinel 1, but it also happen when I try to use ERS images. I’m studing Deception Island and I dont know if the external dem is the cause of the fault.
that’s why I’m asking you, in search of more experienced help in sarproz world