
coregistration fail

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    • #2918

        Hi,Someone can help me?,
        i’m a new user, and when I have tried to coregistrate two ERS images or 2 Sentinel1 images it gives me the following error:

        WARNING!!! coregistration of image 20160708 failed!!!!

        image 20160708 will be discarded: check manually!!!

        List of Images for which the coregistration failed:
        No Temperature data found: generating a synthetic sinusoid

        synthetic temperatures written

        get_locality: could not dowload the locality!!

        get_timezone: could not dowload the timezone!!


        tops_slave_proc(): No New Slaves to update. Exit.

        The coregistration failed for 1 images

        You can try to process them again with the update function
        after checking the images one by one and manually modifying the coregistration parameters

        The Processing concluded successfully, here a specific message:

        SLC data Preparation: job ended

        This is the example with Sentinel 1, but it also happen when I try to use ERS images. I’m studing Deception Island and I dont know if the external dem is the cause of the fault.
        that’s why I’m asking you, in search of more experienced help in sarproz world

      • #2919

          1. read the forum and search for similar questions. Here an example:

          2. for Sentinel, you can use the orbital approach:

          However, your case may be challenging for the TOPS post-processing steps. Please give us an update here so that we can check how it goes.

        • #5198

            Hello dear experts,

            I am new to SARproz trying to import 22 sentinel-1A images to the software for deformation analysis. Unfortunately, one of my images was not co-registered and removed from my slc data giving the following error:

            set_init_offs 20190718-20190624 (15180 points): OffS mean 51 std 0.8 OffL mean 6 std 0.0

            amp_corr: unknown error in memmapfile (slave image), point: 14267. Going on

            amp_corr2: 20190718-20190624, 14841 input points, 0 outputed, 0 over thresholds

            cull_points 20190718-20190624: not enough input points!! aborting!!

            WARNING!!! coregistration of image 20190624 failed!!!!

            image 20190624 will be discarded: check manually!!!

            How can I co-register the 2019-06-24 image and consider it in my analysis?

            For further information, I have also attached the log file.

            • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by periz.
          • #5202

              1. do not post your questions in the group update line
              2. do not post multiple times or you will be banned
              3. do not post useless long repeated messages

              your data looks corrupted, try download it again

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