
coregistrate island

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    • #3235

        I have to co-coregistrat sar images in island. I was cat AOF as good asi it get, to minimize water area. In coregistration parameteres I used Smart option because in view I saw that points cover island regulary. But additionaly were points on sea also. In coregistration program give warnings that in pair may have phase jumps. My question is does SARPrOZ somehow realize that points are in sea and use them all points in sea is also accounted. My cohherence threshold is 0.3. does it help

      • #3236

          If you are using Sentinel it can be problematic.
          Check the interferograms.
          In case, you can manually modify your set of points used for the coregistration and mask out the sea. I do not think anyway that this is the problem. More probably, the problem is the size of the island. Is the satellite footprint including other land nearby the island? If yes, include it in the processing.

          • #3237

              Thank you for your answer
              I confused little bit. are there phase jump or not.
              Island is quite small (ca 15x30km) and middle of sea. No additional land is availible.
              How mask out sea before coregistration or make manual co-registration? Does orbit only is possibility.
              it is also Subswath 3 so the farthest Subswat

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          • #3240

              no evident phase jumps

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