1. the so-called PS approach is based on the following concept:
A. star-images graph (single master).
B. no spatial filter (full resolution images, no need to generate interferograms).
C. no weights (the phase of each image weighs the same).
In such context, in Sarproz you do not need to generate interferograms. follow the tutorials online to apply the full processing chain (APS estimation first, MISP later)
2. if on the contrary you want to pursue a more complex approach (we called it Q-PS or partially coherent targets, others name it squeesar, weighted approach or whatever) you have to:
A. choose a suitable image graph. ideally, you should use all possible pairs (full graph). a smaller set of interferograms could still be used, however, this depends on your dataset.
B. apply spatial filtering (and an option here could be using the MT adaptive filter, after generating the MT adaptive mask with the proper statistical test). This means, here you need to generate interferograms with the options you want.
C. use the coherence as weight (this option triggers the loading of interferograms). there is an option for this in the time series processing panel, in APS, MISP, TS module or Small Area MTINSAR modules.
3. consider anyway that, even in the QPS approach, we suggest you to firstly estimate the APS using a conventional PS approach. You can later apply different processing steps in the MISP, after removing the previously estimated APS. This is anyway a suggestion. In Sarproz, in fact, you can do what you want, you are totally free to apply the processing chain you prefer with the options you prefer.
4. yes, the AutoMISP-PRJ-Atmo is matrix Np * NI, containing the APS for the vector of points and for the images graph you selected
5. the sign of interferograms is a convention that cannot be changed. however, if you look at a single interferogram, you could convert it into millimeters to have them consistent independently from the sign of the temporal baseline
6. consider that soon we’ll deliver a new online sarproz course. write to courses at sarproz dot com if you are interested