
About coregistration, export kml not aligned with google earth


  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by paul.
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    • #3074


        I am currently dealing with SLC time series, and I need to coregister all images to the master image. I follow the step in the manual. After co-registration I opened SITE-PROCESSING- GCP selection – Keep current orbits (auto GCP). Then I applied Coregistration Refinedment (Optional). After all of these, I applied Extended Data Export (kml-geotiff) and output the Reflectivity map to Google Earth. However, these two does not aligned to each other, as shown in the attachment.

        I have tried to find some obvious feature points, and tie the points between SAR and WGS84 coordinate manually, but the results still show offset.

        Thank you very much!

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      • #3077

          Hi Paul,
          you are missing the most important things:
          1. you have to process the external DEM in SAR coordinates
          2. you have to choose the “orthorectified” output, in the extended data export
          You also miss to tell us which satellite data you are using.
          If it is not Sentinel, probably you need to select a GCP manually.
          Also, search in the forum, there are many related discussions.

        • #3078

            Hi Daniele,

            Thank you very much for the suggestions. The coregistration works well now.
            I did process the external DEM in SAR coordinates, but i did not choose ‘orthorectified’ in data export process, which is important. Besides, the data i am using is Sentinel data.

            Have a great day,

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